haha another great salad figer episode
this was great, ive always loved this series, its very original and disturbing. i like how it doesnt try to scare you by going boo, but its very eccentric and creepy. good job man, i hope theres a sixth one
haha another great salad figer episode
this was great, ive always loved this series, its very original and disturbing. i like how it doesnt try to scare you by going boo, but its very eccentric and creepy. good job man, i hope theres a sixth one
just overall great movie
this was a great movie in all respects, funny, clever, violent, slightly retarded - definitely a 5/5. not as funny as the first but still good in its own respect.
a cartoon about recycling...never seen that ebfore *captainplanetcough* jk tho, the animation and drawing were really good, and it had a good message, so good job
this was good for a first flash movie
good job, youre doing a lot better than most first time flash users. keep it up.
that wasnt much of a teaser
dude, if youre going to make a teaster, make it something that will actually get people interested in the actual product. now noones gonna watch the actual thing because youve disgraced it with this crap. next time just submit the actual flash, not some lameass teaser.
wasnt that bad
dude, piece of advice dont say that your movie sucks unless you want people to blam it. just give a general review about it. drawing was actually pretty good compared to all the stick figure people, and it was pretty funny "not alive - very alive" nice.
heh, thanks, i pherhaps i shouldn't write it soucks.. i guess that would be like writing "WOOT BLAM MAH PIEEECE OF JUUUUNK", so thanks for the review =)
this took you three people to make?
sorry to say, but it isnt too great. it repeats, and it just wasnt well done, the only thing that happens is the little gnome guy, whic is kinda funny, but put more effort into it altogether.
4 people
haha awesome
man this was great, it was really funny and it had political humor which you dont see much of. the sound was really well done, and i enjoyed the dancing guys too lol.
good job
that was really cool, music was great. everything went together to make a beat, which wa cool, but it mustve been a pain to animate like that. very cool altogether
Procrastination isn't my middle name, but maybe tomorrow I'll go get it switched to that.
Age 36, Male
Freelance slacker
Joined on 10/15/04